Monday, September 26, 2011

Your teeth click like cracked shells

I update this blog way too often. But, one gets lonely when living alone (therefore, I resort to the internet for interaction with old friends--but, who knows who reads this thing anyway?). Admittedly, I feel like a bit of a narcissist posting photos and random ramblings/poetry on here, but I suppose the concept of a personal blog is pretty vain in nature. So I'm embracing it.

I've been doing quite a bit of writing in small bursts over the past week, so I don't have anything cohesive to share right now. But I will soon, very soon.

I converted some storage space into a reading cubby this weekend. I love it! A good place to cuddle up, nest and read. I just need more blankets and some decorations.

And, another outfit. My hair is finally long enough to braid! (kind of)

Necklace- Target, Collared shirt- thrifted, Spandex skirt- thrifted, Moccasins- Roots

I rarely ever wear lipstick--it felt foreign and heavy on my lips. But it made me feel fancy.

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