Thursday, April 29, 2010

What a strange, beautiful world

I drove out to Chicago with my boyfriend, Shaun, on Tuesday morning. I can't even explain how amazing that city is. We didn't have time to do much site seeing since when we got to the hotel, we had to leave for the Jónsi show. But what I did see of the city made me want to stay. We grabbed some really good slices of pizza on the way and ran into the Vic Theater.

The show was great. Jónsi's voice was beautiful (he sounded like a recording), the set-up was beautiful, the entire experience was beautiful. After the show, Shaun and I took the elevator to the 22nd floor of the hotel and stood out on the terrace to see the city at night. Everything was peaceful. Even the clouds the day after the show were calm.

I've more or less been inside my head since I got back.

Since I didn't get any photos or videos of the show, here's what the show looked like:

jónsi - sinking friendships (live) from Jónsi on Vimeo.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

New poem

This is based off of a painting from a Vietnamese child. The Wick Poetry Center has a really great project going with these children's paintings and poets from across the country. Here's the website if you're interested:

And here's the link to see the painting I referred to (it's #14):

After war painting #14 – “Extermination”

The man directly
to the right of me
is shot first
His left index finger
lands at my feet

Shards of glass
from the market
beside me
falls from the sky
like broken leaves

The sun is so bright
I can’t see the helicopter
only the body
and my own
shaking arms

The shot hits
before I hear it
The bag of groceries
I was carrying falls
to the ground

Clouds like mushrooms
rise from the dirt
like the ones my wife
cooks for dinner
on days she’s feeling lonely

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I don't have a title for this one yet. When I first wrote it, I was pretty pleased with it but now that I'm re-reading/editing, I'm not sure how I feel about it. Comments/critiques appreciated.

Sophie cut two large zinnias
over the femoral vein of each thigh
with a razor when her neighbor
found her, walking in
to borrow a tablespoon of lemon juice

Her neighbor had to catch a plane to Austria
and the hospital let Sophie go
a few hours later after discovering
that she did not have health insurance

Sophie walked to the fresh market
across the street, bought
three eggplants and walked back
to her apartment

After cleaning the blood from the bathroom
Sophie went to the kitchen, peeled
one of the eggplants in stripes, cut it into cubes,
lightly salted it, and fried it in oil
for about twenty minutes

After she was done eating, she read
fifteen more pages of Diderot’s
Jacques le fataliste (in French)
and went to bed

The next morning,
she ate another eggplant for breakfast,
added some leaves and bumblebees
to the zinnias on her thighs
and took a bus to the hospital
after realizing that she still had
thirty-two pages of the novel to read

On the way back,
she stopped by the market again
to buy a pair of thick gardening gloves
and seven packets of seeds
(green peppers, strawberries, tomatoes,
sunflowers, squash, zinnias and eggplants)

Sophie planted the flowers
and the eggplants in the small garden
on her balcony and went inside
to make some raspberry lemonade,
sit in her mustard yellow armchair
and read the last thirty-two pages

P.S. I have a new hair cut. Here's a photo (click for full size):

Monday, April 5, 2010


New York was great! I didn't want to leave. We didn't really do any touristy kinds of things, considering I did all that the first few times I was there and we're all broke. We mainly just walked around, ate and drank.

But now back to school. I'm setting some goals for myself for the rest of the semester. I'm going to try to exercise at least twice a week (yoga, bike riding, jogging), eat more (I think this may be contributing to my 24/7 exhaustion), write a poem a week, and start thinking seriously about what to do after graduation. I'm also conducting a little experiment with myself. I've always had problems with stomachaches. I feel like everything I eat upsets my stomach. My mom is hypoglycemic, has thyroid problems, and has dairy and wheat allergies (which means all of these lovely things were probably passed down to me). So this week, I'm eating no dairy to see how I react. Then next week, no wheat. If my belly still hates me, I may have to go to a doctor and/or nutritionist. Bahhh.

But on the bright side, there's only six weeks left until summer. Can't wait.