Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sink your teeth in

I'm going to do something I've never done. I'm going to share a really new poem (I mean, REALLY new--I just got done writing it). I've been working on it here and there since last night so it's very rough. But I haven't shared anything in a while. Comments/critiques are appreciated.


Sink your teeth into me
Let the sour skin dangle from your lips

You fly above me in
staggered formation,
steadfast in your romance
with the wind—
black seraph, hairy demon,

You speak in a tongue
no one understands,
liminal echoes,
pocked flesh recoiled
in your ribcage

Little flittermouse, little prophet,
the things you could do
if you had hands,
ones, I mean, without claws
The things you could do
if your bones were stronger,
unlike twigs softened by fire
under thin membrane

your hand, look how large it is
look how it takes everything in,
drinks everything slowly,
(takes me in, drinks me slowly)
look how you are everything I am not

Tangle yourself in my hair
Show me how to see without eyes

Also, another outfit (I kind of feel like a Jedi in this):

Circle scarf- thrifted, Long sweater- I really don't remember (Kohl's?), Rope belt- thrifted, Sweater tights- gift, Wrap boots- Toms

Monday, September 26, 2011

Your teeth click like cracked shells

I update this blog way too often. But, one gets lonely when living alone (therefore, I resort to the internet for interaction with old friends--but, who knows who reads this thing anyway?). Admittedly, I feel like a bit of a narcissist posting photos and random ramblings/poetry on here, but I suppose the concept of a personal blog is pretty vain in nature. So I'm embracing it.

I've been doing quite a bit of writing in small bursts over the past week, so I don't have anything cohesive to share right now. But I will soon, very soon.

I converted some storage space into a reading cubby this weekend. I love it! A good place to cuddle up, nest and read. I just need more blankets and some decorations.

And, another outfit. My hair is finally long enough to braid! (kind of)

Necklace- Target, Collared shirt- thrifted, Spandex skirt- thrifted, Moccasins- Roots

I rarely ever wear lipstick--it felt foreign and heavy on my lips. But it made me feel fancy.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I will be listening to "Rolled Together" by The Antlers on loop today, reading, writing, and making lesson plans (wish I could omit that last one). It has become a fervent desire of mine lately to write a poem that I don't hate two months later. Wish me luck.

The outfit I wore to the "Celebrating Our Own" reading: 
Tunic- thrifted, Elephant necklace- Walmart, Skinny belt- Target, Leggings- Target, Boots- Amazon

Another teaching outfit: 
Collared shirt- thrifted, Skinny jeans- Target, Blue flats- thrifted

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fall weather, good food

I have so many student papers to comment on. But! I thought I'd procrastinate some more and write an entry. I've been pretty damn pleased with what I've been making to eat lately so I thought I'd share. I've been playing around with food a bit over the past couple of weeks (there is no rhyme or reason to it--I'm probably breaking every culinary rule) but it's been fun and everything I make somehow turns out tasting good. To name a few, I made some red pepper bruschetta, various kinds of stir fries, stuffed pepper, and all kinds of omelets. Below is what I've been putting into my belly lately. :D

Stir-fry with red peppers, onion, tomato & basil MorningStar burger (chopped up), basil, crushed red pepper

Mushroom & herb couscous, tofu, egg, onion, basil, cilantro

Hash browns, locally bought eggs with Daiya vegan cheese on toast, avocado (sliced)

Stuffed green pepper with garlic & herb couscous, tofu, basil

I can't take credit for this--Dennis made it-- and it was amazing! Poached pears simmered in black tea, melted dark chocolate, mint leaves and vanilla ice cream

Also, this is unrelated to food, but here's another outfit inspired by the chilly weather.

Circle scarf- gift, Half jacket- thrifted, Long-sleeve shirt- Target, Blue skinny jeans- thrifted, Oxfords- thrifted

Sunday, September 11, 2011


It's been a strange weekend. I've more or less been a hermit the past few days. I've been doing nothing but drinking, making lesson plans/assignments, writing, and watching Battlestar Galactica (Seriously, if you've never watched this show, START. It's one of the most intuitive shows I've ever seen. It says so much about human nature and religion.)

I haven't had time to go shopping, therefore, I've been wearing a lot of the same stuff (it's difficult to be inventive with clothing with slim pickings).

But anyway, an outfit I wore the other day and my new hurr color (it's basically jet black--I feel like I'm in high school again).-->

Floral shirt- Meijer, Black leggings- Target, Knee-high socks- Target?, Boots- Amazon

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The air has changed with my mood

The air is cooler today and I'm getting a handle on a lot of things that I've been grappling with lately (new school/town/job, difficulties with writing/self-identity/self-worth/relationships, and on and on). I tend to speak a lot in terms of clarity and confusion. I have to follow this by saying that there is never a time in my life when I am capable of experiencing ultimate lucidity. I'm afraid that I overthink too much without doing very much analysis (this makes me wonder what it is I think about in the first place if I seem to get so little out of it). It helps me tremendously to write things down--I realize things I wouldn't have known without putting it on paper--but yet, I am still never certain about anything it seems.

How did this post become so self-deprecating? Despite everything I said, I'm actually writing this post because for the first time in months, I am genuinely happy. I discovered a lot about myself over the weekend and over the preceding couple of weeks. I feel fulfilled in many ways, prepared. I understand this post is very vague but I guess I just wanted to write this all down. I'm looking forward to the months that follow.

Also, my writing rut has ended! I wrote a poem over the weekend, and, although I don't feel ready to share the entire thing yet, I'll share the first two stanzas (something I've never done before).


There is no reason for this, only
a starved dog's logic about bones
            -Margaret Atwood

I worry that everything will fall out of me at once like 
many small knives. The other woman inside of me 
protests through steely throat and tongue—all red 
hair and sour nerves. I can’t shake this feeling of 
being filled up, filled up, filled up (there must be rooms in 
my chest I haven’t discovered yet).

Last week, a hard, black kernel settled itself beneath 
my ribcage. No matter how many times I cough, it 
doesn’t go away. It grows heavier each morning—I 
think it’s been fattening itself up on pieces of my 
diaphragm. I keep telling it to leave but it doesn’t 
speak my language.