Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18, 2011

Everything is coming to me all at once.

Not to say that there is any clarity in it but rather, I am aware of it and feel it all inside me like too much air.

Ultimately, I'm left with one question. Do I choose the option that is complex, beautiful, ugly and transient? Or do I choose the option with burgeoning possibilities, skepticism, new enthusiasm and potential permanence?

I fear I want too much all the time. Letting go is hard.


  1. wow. you said it, cherry blossom girl. i feel the same and you said it better than i ever could because in general, i am way to much in my own head


  2. Mmm I know what you mean about being too much in your own head. I do it too much I think and as a result, everything comes out muddled and confused. But, if we don't spend some time in that place, we can never truly analyze ourselves.

    P.S. We should make plans before we both leave out separate ways.
