Thursday, July 28, 2011

The feeling of turning into someone else

I finished reading No Impact Man today and got restless after all that sitting around. Sooo I played around with some new/old pieces of clothing.

I've been recently trying to play with layering (although I haven't been able to too much due to the heat). It's funny the things you can do with fashion that you've never even thought of doing before until you see it on someone else (like wearing a skirt under a dress that sort of acts as a petticoat).
Hat- Target, Pleated dress-, Floral skirt- thrifted, Necklace- Wal Mart, Oxfords- thrifted

I've also been trying to find more professional clothing, for two reasons: 1. To look less like a fifteen-year-old, 2. To look more like a professor (when I start teaching in a month)

Blazer- JCPenney, 3/4 sleeve shirt- thrifted, Skinny jeans- Macy's, Heels- Deb

I've also been all about really simple outfits. I tend to like them better than over-complicated outfits with a billion accessories.

Striped shirt-, Capris- Target?, Necklace- Wal Mart, Brown flats- thrifted

I am also really happy that I found these shorts. They're suuuuuper comfy and good for summer or lounging around.

Shirt- Wal Mart (men's cropped), Necklace- H&M, Shorts- JCPenney, Black flats- thrifted

Side note: I'm almost finished with my summer chapbook! I need to buckle down and sit with it for a few hours tomorrow to make all of the final revisions. Then, I just have to collaborate with my sister in designing it and get them printed. I'm excited/I hope everyone likes it!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Yes yes yes

One of the best conversations I've had all year. Unconditionally and unabashedly happy right now. :))))

On a side note, my hair has turned into an interesting color during its fading process.

Friday, July 22, 2011

More heat than light

I've been updating a lot lately. I can't bring myself to do much of anything in this 100 degree weather. It's also been extremely difficult to keep up with my appearance when I'm swimming in my own sweat all the time. But, I did manage to look semi-decent today with a new dress. Hope you're all finding ways to stay cool.

Pleated dress-, Oxford shoes- thrifted


It's interesting the things you discover about yourself after you force yourself to shed away a few layers. All that build-up has been holding me down. I feel like I finally have some clarity. Does it feel good? No. But it doesn't feel bad either.

Change is coming. I hope I'm ready.

Jenny Holzer

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18, 2011

Everything is coming to me all at once.

Not to say that there is any clarity in it but rather, I am aware of it and feel it all inside me like too much air.

Ultimately, I'm left with one question. Do I choose the option that is complex, beautiful, ugly and transient? Or do I choose the option with burgeoning possibilities, skepticism, new enthusiasm and potential permanence?

I fear I want too much all the time. Letting go is hard.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Like A Fever

So! I am currently working on a summer chapbook to distribute among friends. I was pretty wary about it at first (I haven't been very confident about my writing lately) but now that I'm putting everything together and making revisions, I'm pretty pleased with it. I'll be selling them near the beginning of August if anyone is interested. :)

Also, a couple new outfits.

Blazer- Sears, Shirt- Wal-Mart (men's cropped), Locket necklace- H&M, Faux leather panel leggings-, Oxfords- thrifted

Shirt- my sister's (not sure where she got it), Nylon skirt- Dillard's, Sandals- Target