Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I haven't written in a while and thought it appropriate since classes start today that I get back into the swing of things. I didn't write much over break but I'll be posting what little I have soon for critique/comments. I'm taking two poetry classes this semester so hopefully that gives me plenty of ammunition to write more!

Break was good for me in the sense that I've become closer to some people and not so close to others. But I take both as good things. Since last semester, I sort of have this new appreciation for negative things that happen in my life. I guess I like to see the "beauty" in everything (or whatever you even call it).

My lethargy, however, is bogging me down. I need a schedule again. I need to wake up earlier than 1 in the afternoon. I think this semester will go really well.


  1. i was getting pretty lethargic too.
    you know you've been in school too long when you start looking forward to the scheduled class times.

  2. haha i'm glad i'm not the only one who missed/needed the schedule. i kept telling everyone for the past week "i just want school to start!" and i never ever thought i'd be that girl.

    can't wait to see what ya got!
